Review of Activities and Project Highlights

The National Developmental Goals as presented earlier, the priorities as stated in GLM's IDP and the overarching Millennium Development Goals contribute towards the selection of priority projects by GDF. The projects that are eventually funded would have gone through a rigorous selection process involving consultations with various stakeholders especially GLM and beneficiary communities.

The following table details approved allocations for 2012. Due to the fact that GDF uses a project lifespan approach in terms of project implementation, the project implementation is not bound to audit financial year, but follow project lifespan as indicated in each project implementation plan, hence the project implementation cuts across years.

Detailed Approved Allocations

  Approved amount
Education & Development  
FAMSA - Hope Programme R 5 591 595
Curriculum educator development and learner support R 1 711 378
District Skills Performance (maths) - Augment Skills R 2 021 795
GDF Bursary Fund R 1 183 049
Provision of ECD games and Learning Material R 642 613
Sub-Totals 11 150 430
Land and Buildings  
Construction of 200 subsidy homes - Feasibility Study R 2 600 000
Mapoteng Multi-Purpose R 26 233 546
Sub-Totals R 42 189 210
Enterprise Development  
Incubator programme - Phase 1 R 2 500 000
Deben bakery (variation) R 941 304
Sub-Totals R 3 441 304
 TOTAL R 43 425 280
Upcomming Events
Gamagara Development Forum hosts the AGM

Gamagara Development Forum (GDF) hosted the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the year ended 31 December 2012 on 16 October 2013 at Sesheng Hall.


Gamagara Development Forum (GDF) in partnership with Deben Primary School and the Department of Education in Northern Cape,...

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