- To implement best practice corporate governance;
- To efficiently and effectively manage Forum funds and resources;
- To prudently diversify the investment income of the Forum;
- To leverage the Forum's collaborative efforts in strategic partnerships;
- To deliver quantum projects in all beneficiary communities on an equitable basis;
- To improve stakeholder management and marketing of the Forum.
The last core strategy is particularly important for long-term sustainability of the Forum, to that end, the Forum will actively pursue a strategy to broaden its investment funding income. The Forum aims to be positioned as the developmental organisation of choice in the GLM- the best attractor of funds/resources for the benefit of the Gamagara communities. This may include, where permissible, to invest into specific projects, preferably in the catchment area of the Forum or to enter into strategic partnerships as a BEE partner of choice. It was anticipated that the Forum would pursue this from 2012 onwards, and firstly focus on its implementation role for the initial year of the Strategy. For that to be possible, the Forum would have to ensure that it has the requisite approvals and necessary competencies and expertise to execute its fiduciary duties, when such choices are made. Basically, this would go a long way towards achievement of the objective to diversify the Forum's investment funding income.
he following box shows the Key Strategic Goals Linked to Objectives: It remains the mandate of GDF (both the Board and Management) to strive for best practice in corporate governance. Good governance has a tendency to attract more support from the principal donor as well as other sources. It is through good governance GDF will be able to manage the available resources more efficiently and avoid audit problems of the past. The Funding Model for the Super Trust (see box) is dependent on the business performance of the Group . This is however closely linked to the actual funding model for GDF itself. It is on this basis that the budget for the Short-Term Business Plan was project. Again, the Forum intends to align its activities with those of SIOC-cdt in the corresponding period (2012-2014) while implementing projects in the four prioritized focus areas of:
- Education and development;
- Enterprise development;
- Infrastructure; and
- Land and Housing.
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